Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hot..Hot...Hot...We Got IT!

Oh…I am so Grateful for Missionary Mondays!  She just always brings a smile, followed by a giggle to my morning!  Her Birthday is next week and she did get her package and is waiting until next week to open her Mint Oreo’s…it’s the little things that she loves so much!  Have a great week.  J

So much happened this week. So I will just skip all of the small talk and get straight to business. Last Monday all of the Missionaries in our zone got together and carved pumpkins and made delicious food and had a fun Halloween party together. Sister LeBaron and I carved a pirate pumpkin, it turned out pretty cute. We put it in our apartment to decorate and within 3 days it grew some fuzzy mold. It was pretty disgusting, but it looked really cool, kind of like a realy pirate, so we took a few pictures and then threw it away. I also have some really cool news! So last week we set a baptisimal date with our Grandma Zoya. She is so cool! Sometimes she doesn't understand what we are talking about because she has been a member of the russian orthadox church her whole life, but evertime we talk about eternal families her whole face lights up. We talked to the other missionaries about it, and they said, well maybe at her age she will never be able to completely understand everything here on earth, but after this life the missionary work will go forth and she will understand. She's just so cool I love her so much! She will be baptized on the 26th of November with our family. I am so excited for that day!

I also have a funny story to tell you all. So this past week we met with one of our less actives. We taught her about strengthening ourselves against satan. One of the ways that we mentioned that we can be strong is to go to the temple. (sidenote: I'm pretty sure she has ADD, and a bad case of it. The whole time we were teaching her I kept thinking "this sure reminds me of special education..." Because we would start talking and she would take it somewhere completely off topic...) Okay, so temples. After we said that we asked her how long ago she went to the temple. She said, "Oh, I can't even remember. Hold on let me find something..." then she puts in this dvd. Sister LeBaron and I thought that it was just going to be pictures from the temple or something. But nope. Wrong. It was a movie of her at some sort of work party about 5 years ago. She was just eating fish and playing at the beach with all of her work friends. About half way through the movie I looked at sister LeBaron and asked, "Wait, what does this have to do with the temple?" And she said, "I have no idea..." Haha... So that's how that lesson went. It was funny, but surprisingly the spirit was really strong the whole time, so that's a plus. And a pretty big one I might add.

Now I just have one bit of useless information that I know will make you laugh. So we spent the night at the senior couple's house this weekend because we had district conference, which is kind of like stake conference, but different in that there aren't so many people. So while we were there we just started talking with Sister Neilson, the wife of the senior couple, and she was telling us about this time that they went to China to teach english and about all of the crazy things that China does. Then she told us the most shocking thing I have ever heard in my whole life. She said that when the olympics were in china they didn't want to build bathrooms for everyone, so they just bought a pair of depends for everyone... Talk about gross!!!! That would be the most disgusting garbage load of my whole life! Anyways, I hope that just made you proud to be an American. 

Also, the wearther here has already turned cold as the devil. Seriously though. This morning when we woke up it was Negative 12 degrees Celcius.... That's so cold!!!! So today we taped all of our windows closed so that the cold wind will stop making our apartment so cold. Also I put on a hat for the first time this season and put on my leggings and wool socks and long skirts... YIPPEE!!!! This is going to be a fun winter. I just know it... At least I keep telling myself that. Well, I love you all and wish you a very merry week.


Sister Leavitt

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