Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What the World needs now is LOVE Sweet LOVE...It's the only thing that there is just too little of

Happy Valentines from Sister Leavitt.  It's always a great day to hear from her!  Enjoy!

Well, Cam said my letters are so interesting that I thought I would try to make this weeks letter a little less interesting.... Nope can't do it I just have too much to say about this wonderful place of the world called Tagonrog Russia. So this week we wanted to get one of our investigators more involved with the members of the ward so that she could make friends, she's had to work the past couple of Sundays and hasn't been able to make it to church, so we wanted her to meet some people, so on Monday night we had a family night with our branch president and his family and we had so much fun and laughed our pants off... Our investigator also gave the branch president and his wife some parenting advice. It's so funny to me that people in Russia just say whatever they feel like saying to people. They are so blunt and sometimes it makes me laugh so hard, but I guess it's good in a way. Anyways, so then on Wednesday night we did yoga with our investigator and some of the other ladies on our ward, it was a blast. Mostly I just laughed the entire time because I am no good at yoga, but it was fun and now our investigator has friends and the people in our branch are starting to love her just as much as we do.

So also this week... the weather has changed a little bit. It's now FREEZING!!! Well, it's not too bad if the wind doesn't blow, but it's usually blowing and so that equals freezing. Sister Kershisnick and I have taken to fake crying when the wind starts blowing, mostly because it's so cold that we want to cry and also because it make us laugh so hard that we feel better. February is the coldest month here and then it should start getting a little bit warmer and I cant' wait!

Well, I think that's about it. We're just doing the same old things, teaching the gospel and talking to as many people as we can! So that's all that I have to talk about. Oh, I don't know if I told you, but we just started to teach this man  named Sergei. He's a dancer... He's so funny. I'll tell you more about him as the story unfolds. But I hope that you are all happy and safe and helping the missionaries.... Because if there is one thing that I've learned it's that when the members are willing to help us and teach with us and help us find people, then the work goes a lot smoother and it's a ton more effective.  I love you all And I hope that you're having the best Valentines day you've ever had, and if not, then just remember I love you! See, I bet you're happier already!!


Sister Leavitt

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