Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thanksgiving+Baptism+Zone Conference= BEST Week Ever!

Thankful that she had the BEST week ever!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too. Enjoy the pictures that Sister LeBaron sent. Till next week.
 The Elders catching the Mission President
Alexanders Baptism

Hello! My name is Sister Courtney Catherine Leavitt, and boy do I have a story for you. It all started with last Monday it was a p-day so that was nice, then in the evening we did what you do on Monday nights, Family Night! For family night we did a Thanksgiving lesson. We talked about grattitude and how we should express our grattitude to those around us. We made everyone turkey cards and on the back we wrote all the reasons we are grateful for them. We also talked about Christ and how we should always be grateful for him and his atoning sacrafice. We made rolls and a peach pie for everyone to try. Everyone just about died when they tasted the rolls. Seriously, they went crazy for them. I never even knew that a roll was anything that special, but aparently it is to someone who has never tasted one before. 

Tuesday was a pretty normal day. One of our members came over to our apartment and fixed our bathroom lights because one of them got broken and then I tried to fix it and actually made it all worse. So our Brother Kamo came and made everything all better and now we don't have to shower using a flashlight for our light. 

Wednesday was so GOOD!! We just had meetings all day, we had one with one of our less actives that we have been working with. She is so cool. She has a goal to read the whole book of mormon by the end of the year and so we have been helping her do that. Also we had a meeting with Alexander and Katya on Wednesday night. They were busy the rest of the week, so this was kind of our last booster lesson before Alexanders baptism. We talked all about what would happen and what he needed to do. Also we just played with his kids for a minute. The discovered their new favorite game called sit on Sister LeBarons legs and then she moves them up and down and they just bounce all around. They love it so much! (Note: Sister LeBaron was only a little bit sore the next day.)

Thursday was THANKSGIVING!!!! We got to get together with all of the 10 missionaries in our zone and eat a delicious thanksgiving feast prepared for us by our senior couple missionaries. It was a blast, after we ate we just played uno and talked and sang some songs. Really, it was just like being at home with my family.... If I had 6 brothers... But it was so fun. I loved it. I love thanksgiving so much. All the Russians kept asking us what we even do for thanksgiving and we just told them we eat a lot. They thought that was funny. But it's true. That's what we do. And HOLY MOLY!!! Elders can sure eat a TON of food! 

Friday we had some last minute prep work to do for the baptism, like making programs and calling people and cleaning the font and making cookies and stuff like that. It took our whole day to get all of it done! But it was so worth all the hard work!!

Saturday was Zone conference. It was fun as usual. We got to build puzzles and... my favorite part was when the zone leaders talked about trust and they had our mission president fall straight back into the AP's arms.... I was so nervous that they wouldn't catch him and then we would have to find a new mission president, but luckily they caught him and so that was the best news. We also watched this really cool video clip about this runner in the 1992 olympics who tore a muscle when he was running in one of his races. He was favored to win even, and boom, just stopped because he was in so much pain. Just when the medical team came to help him off of the track he stood up and started walking to the finish line because he was deterimined to finish the race. His dad came running down from the stands and helped him the to the finish line... I was crying a little by the end. I can't remember the name of the runner, but I suggest you all get on youtube and try to find it, because it was so good! So yep, then Saturday night was Alexander's Baptism! He was so happy and smiled the whole time. I am so proud of him and all he has done to be able to get baptized! It was such a miraculous moment and I will never forget it. Katya came and her whole family came too. The spirit was so strong and I hope that everyone that was there could feel it. The water was dirty because that's just how Russian water comes out, the services started 20 minutes late because Katya was running home for something they forgot, but none of that even matters. I am so happy and I know that Alexander is happy too. On Sunday we were able to see him recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost too. AHHHH! How cool is it to be a missionary and see people have might changes of heart? So cool. I am telling you!!!!

Well, that's our week. It was busy and crazy and we are so tired... But it was worth it and we are just so happy. I love my life.


Sister Leavitt

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