Friday, November 5, 2010

What a week!

Here is Sister Leavitt's email to everyone this week.  She is loving her work at the MTC and really loves her companion Sister Ward.  She loves you all!


So I have some very important things to tell you all about. First of all my zone leaders name is Elder Mahoney... Does that sound familiar? Well it should because that's the main character's name on Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium... Well besides Mr. Magorium. So this week Sister Ward and I have been working very hard! We have made so much progress in the language and in teaching together. I feel so blessed to get to spend time with her and work hard with her. I love her so much. She is always serving me and helping me and motivating me to do more. Yesterday was sort of a rough day. We spent the afternoon working on conjugations and cases and writing sentences, it made my brain hurt so bad, I was good at doing it in the beginning and by the end I was horrible which I think was the opposite of what should have happened. But luckily on Mondays we get new sheets! So at the end of the day I got to make everyone's beds for them and it made me feel so much better about life. I love making beds... Oh and we went to choir on Sunday, that was fun. Also in our teaching this week Sister Ward and I have been pretending to be different people we know so we can practice teaching different people. So I just wanted to tell you that I may have pretended to be you this week! Fun! I really am having a blast here! Oh, and on Halloween all the sisters in my zone, which is kind of a lot for one zone, decided to dress up for Halloween. We all wore black skirts and white shirts! Now that's just crazy isn't it. We took pictures so I'll send them to you. I love my district, there are 6 sisters and only 4 elders. I guess they have decided to start sending more sisters to Russia and the Ukraine . That's where my companion and 2 other sisters in my district are going, the Ukraine . Anyway I also wanted to let Grandma Haupt know that I am growing up and getting more mature everyday. I know... Hard to believe that I could become anymore mature that I already was, but it's true. This is the hardest work I have ever done! But I'm doing it with the Help off my Heavenly Father. I know that He is the reason I haven't failed yet! I love you all! Hope to hear from you soon!

Sister Leavitt

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