Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

Another great letter from Sister Leavitt.  She always has such great experiences!  Hope your week was good to.

Wow! What a week! Let me start with this, last Sunday my companion had to go to Ukraine to get a new visa, so I got to stay with the senior couple here in Volgograd while she was gone until Tuesday night. So we went contacting together, that was interesting because well it was just interesting. We got a few numbers and were able to talk to quite a few people. I really enjoyed it. We also got to teach Family night together and visit a less active family. I was really touched by Elder Norring because he is trying so hard to learn Russian so that he can talk to these people. On Monday we spent about an hour working together to get the spiritual thought for family night ready, and then he gave just about the entire thing in Russian. I was really impressed. So that was Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday we went on splits with the Elders. That's always fun. I enjoy working with the elders and learning from them. We also had sport night on Wednesday and we made up this game that's kind of like ping pong, but you play it with one of those huge bouncy balls and you hit it with your hands, Sister Tunney got way into it and was using all sorts of crazy Karate moves to hit it. So, then on Thursday we worked and planned as normal. We met with one of our new members Sergei, I think I told you a little about him last week. But that lesson did not go very well. He just wanted to argue they whole time, which I didn't really understand because he was just baptised three weeks ago, and why would he get baptised if he doesn't really believe these things are true? That was the question on my mind the whole time. We left that meeting just feeling a little frustrated, but we have determined to encourage him to read from the Book of Mormon every day and sincerely look for answers to all of his questions. So Friday we met with our other new member Nicholi he's pretty much amazing. He was what you would call a golden investigator. God had prepared his heart to accept this gospel. He received the priesthood on Sunday, so that was pretty exciting. Saturday we had district meeting and we went singing in the park afterwards, that was fun, I love singing in the parks and talking to people because music touches people's hearts in ways that just words can't. So then Sunday we had church and the biggest miracle of all happened and it's called a family of 3 just showed up out of nowhere! We were getting ready for sacrament meeting to start and our phone started ringing so I answered it and it was this man asking us for the address of our church, which I gave to him of course. So then about 20 minutes later they all show up and my heart was filled with joy. After the meeting I got to talk to them and learn more about them. They seem excited to know more, so I'll let you know more about them later! It was such a great week with so many blessing sprinkled through it. I can't even believe how much Heavenly Father loves His children. It's so incredible. Well I love you all, and just so you know, next week I will email on Monday like normal.


Sister Leavitt

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