Friday, July 29, 2011

One step at a time, One foot then another

 Yes...she really is CRAZY!!!  But at least she know's how to have FUN!
 Jumping on the mini a skirt.
Having fun at a "Surprise Birthday" for one of the Elders.

Well, what can I say, she is always so HAPPY!  Hope everyone had a great week too!  Enjoy the pictures, and she better keep them coming :)

So, this week has been another week of missionary work that is for sure, a bummer of a thing kept happening though called a ton of our appointments fell through. It's so weird because we did so well at organizing our week and setting up appointments, but then they just kept not working out. Oh well. We got to work hard in other ways. On Monday night we had a family home evening with some of our members and our investigators and we watched the Testaments. This was such a wonderful decision. By the end of the movie everyone was crying and then Sister Tunney and I bore our testimonies and the spirit was sooo strong, so I challenge you all to watch it. It's only an hour long, so that's not too bad. If you've never seen it, you are in for a good show and if you don't have a copy then get one fast! I love that movie because it just makes me feel so happy about life and about this gospel. I love my savior so much and I am so grateful that I have the opprotunity to serve his children full time for 18 months. So we also had a cool thing happen on Sunday. Our new member, Nicholi he got baptized the week before I arrived in Volgograd, well he passed the sacrament yesterday! I was so excited for him and so happy that he is doing so well. He really is so humble and such a great example to me. He knows that he has a lot to learn, but he tries his best to understand and then acts on the promptings that the holy ghost gives him. I think that is an amazing attribute for him to have because I have found in Russia that a lot of people won't do that because they don't trust their feelings. It's makes my heart so sad, but it's true. But he's not that way, and that is so wonderful. Our family is doing well, we didn't get to teach them this week, which was kind of a bummer because their son was teething, which meant he had a fever and Russians are funny about things like that, and then they went out of town for the weekend, but we are planning on going over there tomorrow. I love them so much and I am so excited to see them! We also found another investigator named Andrea, and he is coming to family night tonight, so I'm super excited about that also. Well, I think that that's about it for this week. I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week!!


Sister Leavitt


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